not sure Wisker biskit deluxe quik shot Whisker biskit arrow rest Product Review Details

Review Date: Oct 8, 2003

Product Information

Manufacturer: not sure

Model: Wisker biskit deluxe quik shot

Product Type: Whisker biskit arrow rest

Purchase Price: 30-60 depending on model

Testing Information

Time Tested: 1 year

Testing Conditions: all

Temperature Range: 0-100

Testing Terrain: all

Testing State: Virginia

Review Information

Reviewer's Name: Cory Harrison

Recommended: read below

I have both a whisker biskit deluxe, and a deluxe quick shot. the deluxe is the best arrow rest I've ever had. but the quick shot is the worst rest I've ever had, one of the vanes doesn't catch in the whiskers, so it turns the arrow and flings it to the side, and is absolutely a waste of money

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