Remington 870 Express Youth Shotgun Product Review Details

Review Date: Oct 8, 2003

Product Information

Manufacturer: Remington

Model: 870 Express Youth

Product Type: Shotgun

Purchase Price: 250

Testing Information

Time Tested: 3 years

Testing Conditions: everything, you name it

Temperature Range: 0-110

Testing Terrain: all

Testing State: Virginia

Review Information

Reviewer's Name: Cory Harrison

Recommended: absolutely

My grandpa bought this for me, it was my first shotgun, and I'll never get rid of it. This gun is great, it is short, so you can move quickly. The other 870 express youth that somebody has in here, was a slim to none chance, probably every 1 in a million 870s have that problem. This gun is perfect. It is good for all ages.

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