ATN 8 24x75 scope Product Review Details

Review Date: Sep 3, 2002

Product Information

Manufacturer: ATN

Model: 8 24x75

Product Type: scope

Purchase Price: $450-850

Testing Information

Time Tested: 3 days

Testing Conditions: warm, clear

Temperature Range: 75-90

Testing Terrain: target range

Testing State: new

Review Information

Reviewer's Name: Eric Cline

Recommended: no

I got what I paid for. Very good light gathering as you would expect, but I could not get it to zero in the shop or at the range. It does not have a self-centering reticle, so you do eventually run out of adjustment. I sent it back per the lifetime warranty and they told me nothing was wrong with it and sent it back to me. Oh well, lessons learned. I am still shopping for a replacement to sit on my Rem. 700 PSS...

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