mossberg 500 shotgun Product Review Details

Review Date: Mar 4, 2002

Product Information

Manufacturer: mossberg

Model: 500

Product Type: shotgun

Purchase Price: about $250

Testing Information

Time Tested: 12 years

Testing Conditions: Sun< Rain, Sleet, Snow, Freezing Rain, Thunderstorms, Blizzards

Temperature Range: -6 to 90

Testing Terrain: Hill

Testing State: Ohio

Review Information

Reviewer's Name: Rich

Recommended: Yes

I've had this gun in all weather conditions. From very hot and humid -- to down right I must be freaking crazy to be out today. Twelve years and not a problem yet. A little rust is developing. I prefer to use the modified, full, or xxx full and would recommend using a different barrel for slugs. This gun is reliable.

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